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Detoxing from A Narcissist

This book extends a lifeline to those who have endured or are currently enduring narcissistic relationships. With an empathic approach, it offers a roadmap for breaking free from the emotional entanglement of narcissists, detoxing from their manipulation, and reclaiming personal empowerment.

About Natalie

Natalie is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Sherman Oaks, California. Natalie is a passionate advocate for healing and empowerment after narcissistic abuse. Drawing from personal and professional experience, Natalie has dedicated her career to helping survivors navigate the challenging journey to recovery and detox.

With a background in psychology, Natalie brings a unique blend of empathy and a myriad of knowledge to her passion. She understands the intricacies of narcissistic abuse and the profound impact it can have on every aspect of one’s life. Natalie is an active supporter of survivor communities, both online and offline. She believes in the power of sharing stories and creating a non-judgmental and safe space for survivors to connect, heal, and thrive.

When she is not writing or working with clients, she enjoys hiking, spending time with friends and family, trying out new restaurants, traveling, reading, bike riding, and exercising.

Detoxing from a Narcissist is Natalie’s first book, born from her passion for guiding survivors toward a path of recovery and resilience. She hopes this book will serve as a source of comfort and validation for all those who have faced narcissistic abuse.

Connect with her on social media, where she continues to share insights, stories, and resources on healing and growth ↦

About the book

- Take back control of your life -

Take back control of your life from narcissistic abuse with practical healing strategies.

This book extends a lifeline to those who have endured or are currently enduring narcissistic relationships. With an empathic approach, it offers a roadmap for breaking free from the emotional entanglement of narcissists, detoxing from their manipulation, and reclaiming personal empowerment. You’ll discover how to cleanse your life from the toxic cycle and embark on a healing journey towards self-empowerment, resilience, and a brighter future.

The 12 stages of healing from narcissistic abuse will guide you through a metamorphosis process of transformation. Each stage is designed to assist survivors on a structured journey of recovery. This comprehensive workbook provides survivors with a clear roadmap, combining expert insights, personal stories, and practical exercises, enabling them to navigate the path to self-empowerment and reclaim their lives from the shadows of narcissistic abuse.

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